Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Shooting in the style of blending modes;

It is still a struggle to take the perfect photo in one shot. For example; Locations with high contrasts and shadows can be difficult to see through your digital camera and appear black. If you bump up your ISO you will just lose detail in your highlighted areas. This is where photoshop comes in handy.

By using a lightening mode you can control these shadows
Using sam as the main subject we then created new layers with just only the background
Example of one of the backgrounds
We then masked each background layer to control, lighten and saturate certain areas of which the shadows dominate

When adding Sam back into the frame and then

Save the image
convert the size to smaller size

Final image

Post Modernism

When Abstract expressionism had already been falling out of the public favour for some time, many artist turned increasingly towards mixed media art forms such as conceptualism and super-realism.

Post Modernism is a movement away from the viewpoint of modernism. It emphasises the role of language, power relations, and motivations; in particular it attacks the use of sharp classifications such as male versus female, straight versus gay, white versus black and imperial versus colonial.

Postmodern art is a body of art movements that sought to contradict some aspects of modernism or some aspects that emerged or developed in its aftermath. In general, movements such as IntermediaInstallation artConceptual Art and Multimedia, particularly involving video are described as postmodern.

For example; Jeff Koons Sculpture puppy:

After researching different post modernism photographers and images, i took some modern photos to emphasise this; 

  • MODERNISM with the aftermath of Post modernism
I have taken some modern 'aftermath' images to emphasise this:

personally i think post modernism is just an artistic way of showing modern styles in a different view of perspective
Grain waves. A modern/new way of eating chips yet they are a lot healthier way of eating chips with grains.

Orange juice shot similar to the brainwaves shot

Featuring Jayden

Pop Art

Here is an example i took of pop art;

  • Taken wearing a bright coloured watch.

Pop art consists of bright 'popping' colours. Saturation and vibrance enhanced images. Another example of pop art i took at home:

Pop Art Photography

Pop Art Photography is an artist photo created to look like a comic book. All high saturations and distorted imagery to create a cartoon affect. These images were taken from a Pop Art Photographer called David Siqueiros.

Photo by David Siqueiros

Photo By David Siqueiros

Cubism Photoshop:

Cubism originally came from a style of painting back in the 20th century and characterised chiefly by anemphasis on formal structure, the reduction of 
natural forms creating a 'cube' affect.
A primary influence that led to Cubism was the representation of three-dimensional form in the late works of Paul Cézanne, which were displayed in a retrospective at the 1907 Salon d'Automne.In Cubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form—instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.

This is the orignal photo i started with. found on google.
This is the final outcome. This image was created cropping and enlarging layers of the landscape shot. Then changing the saturation and hue to create a rainbow/abstract affect

I then went home and experimented myself with photoshop:
Cubism can be a fun way of changing an image and creating an edgy style.

to create a cubism affect i just decided to use the rectangle marquee tool to create cubes and then i filled them with the gradation tool so that i could still keep the background making the cubes float above the dog. 
Before image

After image